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TAlkin' with TLC...and more! |
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TAlkin' with TLC...and more! |
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” W Clement Stone. An incredible phrase that has been a part of our family dialog since we can remember. While it also doubles as a spelling lesson, demonstrating the i before e concept. It really is the most powerful phrase I know. But the believe part is the key ingredient. It is like the sugar in a sugar cookie! Many books on the topic of positive energy, success and the powers from within, speak to the importance of choosing the right language and being conscious of your thought process. Speaking and thinking in the positive. "I will be healthy" instead of "I will not get sick"..."I will succeed" not "I will not fail". The Universe does not recognize NO, NOT, WON'T, CAN'T etc.. The Universe hears sick or fail and sickness and failure is created. Consciousness of this process is HOW to conceive. That is the first part...NEXT, you must truly BELIEVE. Recently, my cousin asked me if I ever thought I would be the owner of my own company, back when I was in school. I thought about it and replied "Yes I did, I just did not know what business". The same person asked me if I believed it would TAKE OFF! I explained I knew it would. I BELIEVE IT, I KNOW IT but my actions have to support my beliefs as much as my beliefs have to guide my actions. I can not sit back and wait for it to happen. I must create my own destiny. Too often, people are so close to the success they dream of but they don't believe in themselves or the circumstances ENOUGH to plow though the obstacles that pull us back and fill us with self doubt. Conceive your plan....believe in your plan...execute your will achieve!
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The emotion of empathy is when someone feels the emotions of another being. We use this word casually. Many do. "I feel such empathy for you" "I can feel your pain" There are people, many of them that actually do feel others energy. Be it positive or negative. These people have to be more selective of who they allow into their world. There are degrees of course, as to the level of the feelings and the consistency of the empathic experiences.
From my experience, those that have more intense experiences have a harder time in intimate relationship as the person with whom they are intimate has to be at peace with themselves so they do not negatively impact the other. There is nothing more exciting in life to have two people that find each other, that can live harmoniously together... What a blessing! I am clear that those that "feel" energy at any level are just more attuned to that "frequency". It is like tuning in a radio. Imagine not being able to change a station that was playing something that you found offensive. The empath is stuck with that station, they are tuned into those around them good or bad. Most want to CHOOSE good. They literally must say (usually to themselves) this person is NOT GOOD FOR ME. Choose to be around people that make you feel good. Those that know there is a "frequency", and how to control it, have an unbelievable ability to attract, recognize and appreciate others with the same ability. We (I consider myself one) FEED off the positive energy in others. As a psychic once said to me "You want to see windows going up and down and the lights going on and off, Its not like that," He was right. What I want is to show others what I feel. Some of you understand this first hand, some wish they could and some have no idea what they are missing. Just remember, even if you are not conscious of it, the energy is exchanging. If you feel my positive energy, on a consistent basis...I mean really feel is because I choose to share it with you. I do this because it is a two way street and I like your energy too. Everything is on purpose. Ter Join the revolution...I was a laggard in the Facebook craze. Joining as friends prompted "when you are on medical leave you will be bored...join it will be fun". I did. But the pain killers made it too hard to see the screen, so time went on and as I recovered I dabbled about once a month. I have become more of a "regular", slowly learning the features and the importance of privacy. What not to put on FB and how others use it. This is what I have observed: FOR SOME, FB has become a relationship tool...voyeurism at its best. Who is she friends with? Why did he become friends with her? She went on FB at 12:08am she said she was asleep? He said he did not have a FB account but his laptop has a log from another name? Remember when you had to snoop the old fashioned way, credit card receipts and phone logs..moving right along... FOR SOME, FB is a parenting tool: Bobby has a new girlfriend. Suzie hates me. Allen got an F in history. Mary lost her cell phone. Here is a concept, talk to you kids. If they trust you they may tell you what's up and you won't have to read it on line...But I just may be naive. We'll see. FOR SOME, FB is a way of breaking off a friendship or not facilitating one. Kevin de-friended me last week because I did not invite his sister Jen to the party. I can't believe he took it so seriously. Jen just wrote on my page that my parties suck. I de-friended Jen, She is such an A$$. Are we talking 3rd grade or what?? FOR SOME, FB is an escape into another world where life was more simple. I am growing fake potatoes on my fake farm with my friend fake farmer Jim. Jim never gets mad at me as long as I share my lettuce. I have cooked extra quiches in my cafe and I will give them to you...will you be my friend.. Escape is nice...have you tried the bubble bath? No really, Fun, Fantasy it's all good... This tells me these people are comfortable enough to chill out and relax with some fun and meaningless go ahead and share no one is obligated to click on the links... FOR SOME, FB is a way to connect...similar to the way MySpace used to be...but for now it is more popular so it is easier to find your friends from 7th grade etc... These people connect, share and relive old moments in high school or college...Remember to de-friend your kids first! Thanks for getting me on to FB...I will jump in and out, stalk, supervise, be silly, escape, connect and de-friend you the day you say something I don't like. click...your gone.
Love Ter Have you ever had the experience of having to enter some one's home after they died to go through their things? It is an unbelievably personal task. Perhaps a grandmother, aunt, parent, friend or the like...It is a soulful experience that brings you to a place where you feel incredibly connected to the person and yet, at the same time, saddened that all you have left of them, physically, is the "stuff". You quickly comfort yourself with the layers of memories that soothe the loss and fill the void. This activity makes you keenly aware of your own things. I can not imagine someone else in my stuff. Moreover as a way of protecting myself from this loving invasion, I am clear, I want less stuff. I am not dying...or at least I am not aware that I am...but I do know that I will, someday. At the rate of "stuff accumulation" I am going... my things will overtake me by about age 57.... So I have a new purge...purge...purge. I will start with my own stuff...I will condense. I will scan. I will archive. I will sell. I will give away. I will not collect stuff anymore. Maybe when I die, someday in the way distant future, someone will say...she didn't have much stuff...but BOY DID SHE HAVE FUN! I have a lot of work to do! Terri
The year ends...we look back on it reflecting on the good and the bad... We then think about the upcoming year and how we can improve our outcome! We make resolutions...we resolve to do something differently!! We don't need to wait until a new year starts to take stock of our lives and try to make improvements. This should be a daily event. We forget that we have the ability to change and be in control of our lives. We deserve the control. For those that think they are trapped in a job, a marriage, a city, a country, an addiction, any circumstance at all...they need to remember that they deserve to not give anyone or anything control of their life. Make changes starting with today...everyday...not just in the beginning of a new calendar year...Everyday is the beginning of the rest of your life. Terri
Author: TLCJust some thoughts from the past, present and soon to be future! Archives
May 2022
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